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Facts and Myths About Erectile Dysfunction

July 12, 2021

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to get or keep an erection. This problem is common, so there is no reason to be embarrassed about dealing with this issue. In fact, most men will experience difficulties with ED at some point in their lifetime. However, if the problem is ongoing, it can cause other issues such as low self-esteem and relationship tension. Because this topic is one that many men don’t feel comfortable discussing, several myths and misconceptions exist about ED. Read on to learn more about the facts of ED and why certain myths are harmful and untrue.

Myth: Only older men have ED.

Fact: Erectile dysfunction is especially common among older men, but it affects people of all ages. Pre-existing conditions such as obesity, high blood pressure, anxiety, and diabetes can contribute to the development of ED. There are also many factors, such as exhaustion and stress, that can cause ED. You should also check with your doctor to find out if any medications you’re taking could be causing the issue.

Myth: ED is a personal problem, not a medical one.

Fact: While most cases of ED are not dangerous, it can signal an underlying problem if you have erectile dysfunction. Heart disease and high blood pressure are two conditions that can contribute to the cause of ED. If left untreated, such diseases can be incredibly harmful to your health, and your ED symptoms will persist. If you’re struggling with ED, talk to your doctor about what might be causing the problem.

Myth: ED only occurs because of relationship issues.

Fact: Many factors cause erectile dysfunction. Relationship problems can affect anyone’s sexual drive, but most ED cases have to do with your physiology rather than psychological well being. Erectile dysfunction can cause relationship problems that can persist or worsen if your ED is left untreated. To avoid further relationship difficulties, talk with your doctor and partner about your treatment path for ED.

Myth: Oral medications are the only solution to ED.

Fact: It is often assumed that the only “cure” for ED is Viagra or other such pills that promise a lasting erection. Before you try oral medications, it is recommended that you first make some lifestyle changes. Losing weight, quitting smoking, and reducing alcohol intake can improve your overall health and reduce the effects of ED. It’s important to get to the root of underlying conditions and talk to your doctor about treatment before you start taking oral medications for ED.

Myth: Difficulty getting an erection means you have ED.

Fact: There are many factors that can make it difficult to get an erection. When men are assumed to always want sex, there is added pressure that can make getting or keeping an erection nearly impossible. Fatigue, stress, and anxiety are just some factors that can affect a man’s desire and ability to have sex. It is also normal to simply not be “in the mood.” This does not mean that you have ED or that you will always have difficulties getting an erection. However, if the problem persists, book a check-up with your urologist.

Myth: You can treat ED with supplements.

Fact: There is no scientific evidence that suggests that supplements can treat erectile dysfunction. Supplements alone are not a replacement for medical treatment. You should always talk to your doctor before you begin taking supplements as a form of treatment. Ask your doctor about treatment options for ED, as there may be more underlying issues that can be treated to reduce the impact of ED.

If you’re struggling with erectile dysfunction, contact our office via our website to make an appointment with one of our many experienced urologists. Athens Area Urology provides many services, and ED is just one of the many urological conditions that we can help you with. Talk to your urologist about ED and remember to always consult a doctor before taking any action to treat ED.

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(706) 612-9401